Aarhus University Seal

Stories for the Planet

Created and curated by literature students

Stories for the Planet is an exhibition in sound and text on the impact of stories and co-creation for the ways we co-exist on Earth.

More-than-human voices are heard in eight sympoetic audio stories and written text: hyper-voices and micro-voices; all is connected. Listen to the conversation between Moon and Ocean, to the albatross and its young one, to the three, its roots and branches.

The exhibition is created by students from Comparative Literature and co-curated with Aarhus Libraries, IRISLab, and DOKK1.

Thanks to IRISLab, Lisbeth, Erik, and Casper, and special thanks to Jens Vaarmark for technical and creative help with audio stories and exhibition scenarios.

Stories for the Planet opens on 4th December at DOKK1 – find us in front of the Gong. The eight audio stories are presented by the students 11:00-12:15 on the Ramp at DOKK1.

All are welcome for the presentations and exhibition. For those who cannot be there for the exhibition: The eight audio stories are accessible on DIGTCOM’s SoundCloud.